Details of the Organization
The Indian Law Institute is a Deemed University and socio-legal research institute, founded in 1956. Established in New Delhi, primarily with the objective of promoting and conducting legal research, education and training.
Details of the Blog/Paper
The Journal of the Indian Law Institute (JILI) is a quarterly publication, which began in 1958 and remains one of the most prestigious law journals in India. It is published under the chairmanship of the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India and benefits from the editorial and research contributions of many eminent academicians and legal luminaries. The Director, Indian Law Institute is the Editor of the Journal.
Since its inception, JILI has remained committed to the maintenance of quality standards in legal research and it continues to be a highly-rated journal of international repute with a very wide readership. The journal follows a rigorous review process to ensure that the published articles meet exemplary standards of academic integrity and intellectual honesty. JILI is a UGC-Care-listed journal, available for access in print and in digital mode. The ISSN of the Journal is 0019-5731.
Copyright and Licencing
The Indian Law Institute shall be the sole copyright owner of all the published materials. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of research, private study or critique, no part of the journal shall be copied, adapted, abridged, translated or stored in any retrieval system, computer system, photographic or other system or reproduced in any form by any means whether electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, photographic or otherwise without prior written permission from the Institute.
Publishing Schedule
The Journal of the Indian Law Institute (JILI) is a quarterly publication. The periodicity is January -March, April-June, July – September, October- December.
The print copies of the Journal of Indian Law Institute are available on an annual subscription basis after payment of the subscription amount. The softcopy is available for free through the ILI Digital Repository.
The link to access is
Peer Review Process
Review Process
The JILI follows a rigorous peer review process and all manuscripts received for consideration are carefully and thoroughly reviewed by the Editorial Committee of the Journal. The Editorial Committee reviews every submission and selects the articles which are then sent for the peer review stage in the process. The JILI follows double blind review process and the names of reviewers and authors are not revealed to each other, maintaining anonymity at all stages, for an objective assessment of the manuscript.
JILI accepts submissions on a rolling basis and thus there is no best time for submission of the manuscripts for review. Due to the vast number of submissions received by the JILI and constraints of space in a specific issue, a review reservoir is maintained for all scholarly articles. The articles in the reservoir are kept in consideration for publication in the next volume. The authors are notified about the decision through email and the reasons for the publication decisions are not disclosed as a matter of editorial policy.
Research Integrity/Ethics
JILI expects authors to abide by the best standards of academic integrity and intellectual honesty. Papers submitted for publication in JILI should be original. Papers that are already published in other journals, anthologies etc., should not be submitted for publication in JILI. Author Declaration: The authors at the time of the submission of the manuscript are required to submit a declaration as to the originality of the manuscript. The manuscript should be the author’s original work and the same must neither be a copied nor a plagiarized version of some other published work. The declaration must mention clearly that the work has not been published before, and that the same is not under consideration for publication in any other journal. Also, authors must declare that the views and opinions expressed in their manuscript are solely those of the authors. Further, authors must declare that the manuscript contains no matter that is contrary to law.
Plagiarism: JILI complies with all prescribed regulations of the University Grants Commission pertaining to academic integrity and prevention of plagiarism. All submissions are mandatorily checked for any form of plagiarism and similarity reports for each submission are duly generated by running them through the similarity detection software Turnitin. The similarity index/reports for each submission are generated in accordance with the UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION (PROMOTION OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PREVENTION OF PLAGIARISM IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS) REGULATIONS, 2018.
For promoting integrity in research and ensuring ethical conduct in the process of publication, JILI follows the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) available at
Topic of paper/Blog
Call for Papers
Authors can submit their paper on any relevant legal topic.
Book Reviews
Book Reviews are expected to provide informed comments on contemporary legal scholarship. Book Reviews range in style and length, but typically include a description of the book, an accompanying critical analysis, and an evaluation of the book in relation to relevant areas of the law. Book Reviews should not merely summarize the book, but instead offer an argument as to the merit and significance of the work. The Institute receives the books for the review process and only selected scholarly books are reviewed by the reviewers. Please bear in mind that they strongly prefer to publish reviews within one year of a title’s publication date.
Academicians and anyone who wants to write an article on a legal topic can submit it.
Types of Submission and Word Limit
The length of the manuscript should average between 4000 words to 15,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
Submission Guidelines
The submission guidelines will be sent to you through the mail.
Formatting Guidelines
Manuscripts shall be formatted according to the following guidelines:
- It shall be in Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman font, 12 pt. font size and 1.5 line spacing.
- The main text shall be divided into different sub-headings. Different levels of headings shall be formatted as follows:
- Level one heading: It shall be numbered and in the centre.
- Level two heading: It shall be left aligned and in bold letters.
- Level three heading: It shall be left aligned and italicized.
- All manuscripts shall include an ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion’.
- It shall include an abstract of not more than 150 words.
- All citations shall be placed in footnotes.
- Number less than 100 shall be spelt out unless they are a percent (e.g., 5 percent).
- Use of the first person shall be avoided.
- All pages shall be numbered.
- Uniform date format shall be used (e.g., August 15, 1947).
- Quotations: Quotations within a sentence must be enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”). A quotation within a quotation should be enclosed in single quotation marks (‘ ’).
A quotation longer than three lines should be set out in a separate block indented from both the left and right margins. Do not enclose the quotation in quotation marks. A quotation is introduced with a colon (:)
When referring to a section or article of a statute in the main text, the word ‘section’/‘article’ should neither be abbreviated nor capitalized. However, in the footnotes, the word ‘section’/ ‘article’ should be abbreviated.
E.g., The Constitution of India, art. 30; The Indian Penal Code, s. 42.
Use of Footnotes
JILI prefers footnotes (to end notes) because of the following reasons:
- To identify the source of quotations or paraphrases;
- To acknowledge indebtedness for words, phrases or ideas borrowed;
- To explain where additional evidence or commentary may be found;
- To provide additional material or discussion that is relevant but which would disrupt the flow of the text if it were included in the main text itself, and
- To refer the reader to other parts of the paper
- To enable the reader to read the reference without having to turn to the end of the text which would otherwise tend to disrupt the flow of the text and hamper smooth reading.
The Institute has formulated a set pattern of citation (i.e., ILI Rules of Footnoting), which is followed in The Journal of Indian Law Institute and various other publications of the Institute. The citation style in the articles and notes and comments submitted for publication in JILI shall be in conformity with the ILI Rules of Footnoting available at
How to Register?
Kindly apply; we will provide you with the official notification and submission details.