IP Law Litigator

1st gen litigator from Lloyd Law College started his own IP law firm 

Supreet Prasad is a 2016 law graduate from Lloyd Law College in Greater Noida and a first generation lawyer. 

Since 2016, he was working as a litigator in Delhi to a senior.

He would occasionally get a client or two of his own. 

Things went on as usual, until some time in 2021, when he decided that he wanted to grow much faster and reached out to us for professional assistance. 

Over the next few months, he started learning US and Indian IP related skills. 

That is when he realised that US and Indian IP law work are pretty similar, and that he could do both without giving up on his litigation dreams.  

We coached him on how to go about pitching for his first assignment. 

Within a month of learning IP skills, he secured his first independent client for US IP work. 

He went independent soon and increased his outreach efforts. 

He performed more assignments over the next few months. He was also able to assist Indian clients with his newly learned intellectual property law skills.

Having worked with international clients turned out to be an advantage even while pitching to Indian clients. 

Over the next 8-9 months, Supreet earned more than USD 4000 from freelancing alone, working with clients from the US, Canada, European Union, Russia, Australia and many other countries.

Soon, he had several retainers from US law firms.

At that time, he was earning close to 1.5-2 lakhs a month. 

He then realised that he would have to build a team to handle the huge influx of work as he could no longer perform the work alone. 

He reached out to our placement team to hire juniors who were equipped with intellectual property law skillsets. 

As of today, he has a team of more than 10 people, which cater to his US and his Indian clients, and retainers with multiple US law firms. 

Many of his US clients have moved outside Upwork and pay him directly. 

He has started his own law firm which rakes in more than USD 5k per month! 

He has achieved this in a span of 2 years and continues to take up important litigation matters in Indian courts as well! 

If you’re a law student or a lawyer feeling stuck, remember Supreet’s journey – he focused on learning new skills, worked hard to follow a roadmap that we provided for 6 months and did not give up.

You can do it too, whether you want jobs in Indian IP law firms or MNCs, or work with US law firms remotely and be a digital nomad, or litigate in courts and have your own clients for intellectual property work, including disputes. 

You can learn about IP law and work with clients from India and other countries. 

If you want, you can start your own law firm one day in the next 2 years, like Supreet did. 

It won’t be easy, but it’s possible if you follow the roadmap that Supreet followed. 

Given the existing growth and trends in the Indian and global economy, demand for intellectual property lawyers is growing like wildfire. 

Do you want the roadmap to build your own career in intellectual property laws, get top IP jobs in law firms and MNCs or earn USD 2k/month on the side, or litigate in India while you earn 50k-1 lakh per month on the side?

Do you want to learn some crucial IP law skills so that you can get started on this new journey next week itself?

Join us live in our free 3-day online bootcamp over this weekend. 

You’ll learn relevant skills and how to network with clients in India and other countries by building a track record. 

See you in the bootcamp.


Abhyuday Agarwal

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