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Can 1st gen lawyers dominate Supreme Court practice 

Most traditional Supreme Court lawyers will struggle to effectively deploy AI to draft petitions for a long time to come, even though they already face a lot of challenges.

Most of their juniors who are actually good at drafting move on to establish their own practice.

They are always looking for someone who can help them with their drafting work, so that they can focus on strategy, arguments, and maybe on getting more matters. 

Drafting work is too time-consuming for them – they are happy to give it to someone else and pay well.  

This is why if you are good at drafting Supreme Court petitions it will be a massive advantage if you want to build your goodwill with Supreme Court Advocates on Record.

You can do drafting work for them, and they will be happy to pay you INR 10k per petition that you draft, since most of them charge 60k to upwards of 1 lakh.

This is also amazing if you are preparing for the Supreme Court Advocate-on-Record Exam yourself as you get real-time practical exposure. 

If you do this for some time, one of those advocates whom you have been assisting in this manner may be happy to issue a certificate of commencement. 

They know you, they have seen your work and professionalism, and they have no reason why they should not help you. 

You have also been meeting them when you visit New Delhi occasionally, maybe even brief them on matters of your clients from your home state/city, so they are even grateful. 

This is a guerrilla technique followed by many of our students to prepare for the AOR Exam.

They are also learning how to use AI on the side to automate the legwork. 

This will be a massive advantage for them, and they will be able to gain more exposure than anyone else, have a massive network with seniors, and a huge advantage.

This is our strategy for new-age first generation lawyers to have a fair chance to practise at the highest levels of the legal profession, and gear for unprecedented success.

It’s a long journey, it involves hard work, but it is filled with tangible rewards at every small step, not just pedantic utopian prophecies of achieving success “one day”.   

Want to try out a demo? 

Here’s a video of how to draft an SLP on a matrimonial dispute with Google-Gemini, created by our team members Nidhi Dayani and Amartya Kanjilal, who teach litigation courses.

Here is the prompt sequence.

Imagine learning Supreme Court practice, building a network with seniors at the Supreme Court, gaining an edge with AI in your existing practice and for Supreme Court work, and also generating additional income. 

Imagine getting recognised for your compelling arguments, clear and persuasive drafting by trial court and High Court judges even before you crack the AOR Exam.

Imagine working on Supreme Court matters for your clients to turn the tables in their favour, when they lose matters at High Court and Tribunals. 

Imagine making history for yourself. 

First generation lawyers, reboot into the new-age world of AI-enhanced Supreme Court lawyering.  

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