Forgot your dream? Let us remind you!

You had a great dream when you were young.

You had a powerful vision of the future.

You would be rich, famous, successful.

You would make a difference in the world.

You would be recognised for your contribution and ideas.

You would travel far and wide, you would see the world, you would be a leading expert in a specific field, sought after everywhere.

Whatever happens, you would not be mediocre.

And that is why you chose the path of being a lawyer.

After all, it would have been easier to study history, literature or commerce.

You could get the stable middle class job of a clerk, school teacher or operations executive easily. 

Anyone can be an engineer these days, not a bad option either.

Maybe even the tranquil and safe life of an academician?

But your sense of adventure made you study law.

You braved this difficult profession where only the top 5 percent ever make it and the rest struggle forever.

So somewhere deep inside, you believed in yourself and had a grand vision of personal excellence and outstanding success.

There was a time when you believed in your own intellectual prowess. You believed that it would take you to the pinnacle of success.

You were ready to outwork even the hardest working people.

What happened then?

Did you forget your dream?

Did you get caught up in the never ending game of survival?

Did someone tell you that your dreams were too big for your reality? 

Did you cut off your dreams to fit yourself into a pigeonhole?

Did you compromise on your vision because you were fighting alone?

Did the weeds of mediocre middle class life creep up on you and make you surrender your dreams in the face of a monthly salary that runs out before the month ends?

Do you feel that your dreams are becoming ever distant because you have not been working on them for months, maybe years? 

Do you now worry that perhaps you will never achieve in this life what you had once believed was your birthright in this world?

Learn how you can qualify as a qualified solicitor in England and Wales, and finally launch your international legal career.

Just one year can totally transform your legal career. Cracking the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) will be a game changer for you.

So be there sharp at 6.00 pm on Saturday.

Do not allow life to interfere with your dreams. Definitely set an alarm on your phone for all three days at 5.55 pm.

And use this link to add the event to your calendar. Also, join our Telegram channel for more useful information and updates. 

This opportunity may not knock on your doors again.

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