Continue reading →: Lifecycle of a corporate transaction
Any corporate transaction will go through the 7 stages that I am going to discuss and hence it is pertinent to be aware of the nuances of each stage. So, what are these stages? Step 1: Deal structuring This involves determining how the deal is to be done and what…
Continue reading →: Learn to retrieve information about a listed company from stock exchange website
Let’s start with the first skill: how to retrieve information about a listed company from the stock exchange website. This is a very important skill if you are going to perform an internship at a law firm. Junior associates are also required to use this. Imagine that Tesla wants to…
Continue reading →: Our students from non-NLUs joined these top law firms, so can you!
We understand the need for a track record. Whether you are an individual or an organisation or even a law firm, a track record helps establish credibility. Therefore, we would like to share some of our law firm success stories with you. In May 2023 alone, 1247 of our learners…
Continue reading →: Why I struggled in a Tier 1 law firm despite being NLU topper
From my 3rd year of college, I knew that I wanted to work in a law firm. However, there was a big problem. I did not know what I had to do. I had access to company law textbooks. I read what I could. Most of it was only statutory…
Continue reading →: Top 4 high-demand specializations for law firm jobs
As a lawyer, it is impossible for you to learn everything out there. However, you can go very far if you take up one specific area of work and focus your energy on that. What are you going to focus on? Irrespective of your seniority, you definitely need to target…
Continue reading →: How can a district lawyer get a law firm job
In this email I will give you a tried and tested method used by hundreds of my students. It has never failed. If you are interested, first of all note that this is an extremely achievable goal. Working in a corporate law firm does not require any extraordinary intelligence, but…
Continue reading →: What is the career graph of a lawyer at a reputed law firm
Here is the standard career graph of a lawyer: Associate – A0 (fresher), A1, A2, A3, etc. Senior Associate – 5 years, or faster if you obtain a double promotion Principal Associate/ Managing Associate/ Counsel (7 years) Bonuses: In senior positions, the bonus becomes a bigger component of your salary.…
Continue reading →: Can non-NLU grads get law firm jobs
There is a popular belief that good law firm jobs always go to people from a National Law University, and that NLU students are preferred for any law firm job. This prevents even many practising lawyers who did not go to NLUs from aspiring to work at law firms. Is…
Continue reading →: I met a billionaire yesterday
He heard what we do and said, “you have framed your value proposition wrong. You are severely underselling yourself.” I was sceptical. He says: your real value is that you are retraining people for a post Generative AI world. People who will become redundant will be now ready for new…
Continue reading →: Why are big law firms hiring less from campuses despite the booming economy
Large law firms created the NLU boom by hiring extensively from a few campuses. They would pick up many talented kids as A0 and hope some of them would get trained enough to do legal work in a year or so. Most of these firms did not or could not…