What kind of career can Indian lawyers have in England and Wales

There is no denying the fact that solicitors in England and Wales make big money, not to mention enjoy a high social status. 

How big? We did the maths for you and got the numbers.

Depending on their area of interest and location, here is how much qualified solicitors can make according to Prospects UK:

  • Solicitors can earn up to £43,000 per year (nearly INR 43.5 lakh) in larger commercial city law firms
  • A practice in Corporate Law can earn you up to £50,000 (about INR 50 lakh) per year, and if your practice is London based, you can even make upward of £100,000 (INR 98 lakh approx)
  • Criminal law-focused solicitors average over £52,000 (INR 51 lakh or so) in London. Those outside of London make between £32,000 and 42,000 (INR 32-42 lakh) per year
  • With a practice in human rights, solicitors can once again earn as much as £100,000 a year
  • Qualified solicitors can make close to £50,000 a year in the practice of Intellectual Property Law

You can start your practice as a qualified solicitor either in a law firm or as an in-house lawyer. Many large organisations such as the BBC, Government Legal Service (GLS) and Virgin Media have in-house legal departments that hire solicitors. Typically, it doesn’t take long to work your way up to in-house legal services. 

How do you gain entry?

Since September 2021, it has become possible for overseas students and lawyers who wish to qualify to practice in England and Wales to write the SQE in two stages (SQE 1 and 2), the same as domestic candidates from the UK. 

The SQE is open to candidates from non-law backgrounds too, as long as they hold a valid undergraduate degree, though some kind of legal training obviously helps.

The big question is: how do you clear the SQE and embark on a flourishing legal career in the UK? Understandably, a career that promises you so much cannot be easy to build. Neither is the SQE a very easy test to clear.

Which is where our bootcamp on how Indian lawyers can crack the SQE comes in. 

Of course, you will also have other questions such as :

  • What is the exam syllabus? 
  • What is the exam pattern? 
  • What do I need to do once I clear the exam? 
  • How and when can I migrate to the UK? 
  • What kind of visa will I need? 
  • What kind of work can I expect to find once I qualify?

We will answer all of them at our bootcamp, which is why we would advise you to sign up now. It is free, live, and completely online, and all you need to do is spend nine hours with us across three days. 

We wIll guide you on what to study, how to study, and when to study. We will exhaustively cover all aspects of the SQE syllabus, and offer interactions with those who have qualified the exams, as well as experts who will make a comparative analysis between the Indian and UK jurisdictions.

For more useful updates and additional information, do also join our Telegram channel.

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