How many of the following boxes do you tick?
- You start your preparations early, not at the last moment
- You have a clear goal in sight and are not likely to lose focus
- You can stay disciplined for more than a year
- You do not give up easily
- You are a natural at planning and execution
- You continuously test yourself
- You measure and track your progress
If you have answered honestly and ticked all of the above, congratulations! You are the perfect candidate for the Indian Judiciary exams. In fact, you have won half the battle.
Even if you ticked the majority of boxes, you are eminently likely to become part of India’s lower judiciary.
What about those who ticked none, or maybe just one or two? Are they not suited for a career in the Judiciary? Of course they are, which is where our bootcamp on ‘How to crack the Indian Judiciary exams’ comes in.
Whichever kind of candidate you are, all of you will need assistance to clear the admittedly difficult exams, and assistance is what we are offering. Of course, there have been isolated cases of candidates preparing for the exams all on their own, but the success rate is negligible, and life just becomes a constant struggle to keep up with your preparations.
Remember, you need to clear the exams in three stages – prelims, mains, and interview. And your preparations must include the knowledge of when to shift gears from one stage to the next.
Do you have to cram a lot of material?
Is it necessary to cram a lot for the Judiciary exams? Can someone who is good at cramming crack the exams more easily?
Actually, quite the opposite. It is a myth that you have to memorise notes to crack the Judiciary exams. In fact, most candidates who try to do this end up failing. Why?
You cannot stand apart by simply reproducing memorised content, since tens of thousands are writing the exam, and hundreds go to similar kinds of coaching classes. Which means all of you will be writing the same kinds of answers.
But because most states test candidates on indirect and application-based variations of questions, you will find it impossible to answer these if you have simply memorised notes without understanding the topics in depth.
There is just too much to remember. Even if you manage to clear the prelims, you will not make it past the mains. And even if you do somehow clear the mains, your lack of clarity, articulation and comprehension will become apparent during the interview.
In short, your concepts must be clear. Which does not come from mechanical memorising.
So what do you do instead?
You need to practice writing answers (by hand), taking lots of mock tests, identifying your weaknesses and getting feedback on the quality of your work.
This approach helps you develop superior understanding and enables you to answer conceptual questions, as well as give superior answers at the interview stage.
It will also help you in exams like Delhi Judicial Services, which specifically require you to write original analyses in the mains paper. Other state judiciaries are gradually moving to this pattern as well. So prepared answers from coaching institutes will no longer suffice.
Who should not attempt this exam?
- Candidates who are unsure of what they really want in their careers and have merely decided to attempt the exams owing to peer or familial pressure, or because they are exploring various options without any serious commitment
- Candidates who want to ‘wing it’, that is, depend on last-minute preparation, or those who expect results within a few days or months of preparation, without the willingness to put in at least a year or more of consistent work
- Candidates who are not consistent with their preparations, who cannot focus on one goal or career, who quickly get bored when they face a challenge and shift to a new distraction
- Candidates who believe that if they can top in college exams, they will top in Judiciary exams too, because they are more or less the same thing
- Candidates who are unwilling or afraid of measuring their progress week on week and overcoming obstacles
- Candidates who believe that they only need thousands of hours of hard work, and study blindly without any direction or planning
If you believe you are any of the above, we suggest you explore other career options. The Judiciary exams are not easy to clear by any means, and the pass percentage is wafer thin.
However, our goal is to ensure that our students find themselves among the 0.05 percent of candidates who do successfully clear the exams. As they have in previous years.
Which is why we would like you to join our free three-day (LIVE only) bootcamp on ‘How to Crack Indian Judiciary Exams’, May 27-29, 6.00-9.00 p.m. IST daily., only if you see a real opportunity to become a judge, and are clear about seriously preparing for the exam.
As long as you are serious, willing, and committed, the bench is waiting to welcome you.
Important: Since this course is for Judiciary exams in India, the bootcamp will be useful only to Indian citizens with an Indian law degree.
For more useful information and links, do also join our Telegram channel.
See you at the bootcamp.
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