
Backup options for judiciary aspirants

Remember that no matter how seriously you prepare, the judiciary is a difficult and competitive exam. Success cannot be guaranteed beforehand. 

Even college toppers and high performers regularly fail judiciary exams. 

Being a topper in college does not mean that you can crack the judiciary exams. Most college toppers have never studied for 5000 hours. 

Cracking the judiciary exam is not difficult, it is just a long game that requires 5000 hours of preparation in the right direction. 

Those who do it are able to crack the exam. 

Something could always go wrong, even if you are fully prepared. 

You may have a bad day during the examination. 

You may even fall sick during the exam!

Something else that was not predictable can happen. 

It is not possible to eliminate uncertainty. 

What can you do in that case? 

Backup options are critical. 99% of people won’t clear the judiciary exams. 

So they need to be given training for other exams that have similar syllabus like the judiciary exam so that their thousands of hours of preparation does not go waste and they are otherwise successful in their career. 

This also gives you a great deal of confidence and mental peace. So we always train our learners for multiple backup options. 

Backup options are also very important for another scenario – there are people who realise that they are unable to go beyond 1000 or 2000 hours, even with all the support.

Does it mean that their 1000s of hours of preparation have gone wasted?

That is what judiciary coaching classes will tell you.

At LawSikho we believe that’s not the case. 

There are things you would have learned, capacities that you would have developed, which would be very useful always and hard to learn otherwise, and it will give you a competitive advantage.

In-depth knowledge of law subjects, incredible discipline, ability to push more and for longer, to fight despite difficulty, a competitive edge, and a very high efficiency.

You will be able to accomplish things in a few hours which others will take days to do!  

Studying, working, learning new things, making progress in new areas will become a very easy thing for you, because of your pre-existing knowledge, discipline, consistency and grasping ability. 

If you are a LawSikho student who takes up judiciary training, we ensure that they are successful one way or another. 

We see that judiciary students do exceedingly well because they are well read, hard working, and disciplined, in ANY DAMN AREA OF WORK!

They excel in internships.

They excel in job interviews.

They even excel in corporate law firms!

Can you BELIEVE that?

You cannot fail if you prepare the right way. That’s all.

Other than LawSikho, none of the judiciary coaching classes prepare students for backup options. 

LawSikho students have access to these backups as well – in fact, some of them even clear the backup beforehand, so that they already feel safe!

Backup options for government jobs

There are many other backups which require only around 500 hours of preparation and have 1/10th or less than the competition than the judiciary exam, and significant overlaps with judiciary syllabus – APO, bank law officers’ exams, UGC-NET, SC clerk-cum-legal assistant exam are the top 3

Judicial Clerkship Exam (Supreme Court or State High Courts)

Romit Gaur graduated in 2023 from the Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies

(Delhi). He successfully secured a position as a Judicial Law Clerk-cum-Research

Associate in 2023 and is presently excelling in this role.

UGC-NET & PhD entrances

27 out of 40 LawSikho students who attempted, cleared UGC-NET Exam in 2021, 2022 and 2023 (till December 2023 Exam), 1 secured JRF scholarship, 5 out of 6 candidates cleared PhD entrances in 2021 and reached the interview stage, 3 candidates cleared the interview. 2 others cleared state entrance tests (APSET)  

Gargi Vashisht, LawSikho (December 2020),  2021 LLB graduate from Panjab University, Chandigarh,  and 2022 LLM from  Panjab University, Chandigarh, cleared UGC NET JRF in November 2022

SEBI & Bank Law Officers’ Exams

SEBI Grade A and bank law officer exams are also possible to clear for judiciary candidates, with some additional prep of about 500-600 hours.  

LawSikho students have had a stellar track record with respect to SEBI Grade A and IBPS-SO Exam. 

In 2023, we helped 3 lawyers to become SEBI Grade A Law Officers! 

Mohd. Saif Khan, a BA LLB grad from Aligarh Muslim University, cracked SEBI Grade A Legal Officer Exam 2023. 

Harshit Trivedi,  2022 law grad from BHU, Varanasi, cracked SEBI Grade A Legal Officer Exam 2023. 

Manash Mandal, 2020 grad and our former SEBI Grade A course anchor, cracked SEBI Grade A Legal Officer Exam 2023.

Here is a LawSikho judiciary student who cleared the IBPS-SO Exam before even attempting the judiciary exam! 

Pragati Bhatnagar, LawSikho (July 2021), 2019 graduate from Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies. 

She is today working in Canara Bank, Lucknow. 

This is the video from the class when she had cleared the IBPS-SO exam. 

Back up plans for litigation

You can learn at least one or two practical skills around litigation, and use those in your internships or helping someone on the side. 

If you start judiciary preparation early, you will have some time, such as one to two hours per day, to devote to this aspect as well. It will not only help you with improving the chances of cracking the interview but also nurture a backup option.

LawSikho provides training on civil litigation and criminal litigation to its judiciary aspirants. 

Here is an advocate from Lucknow who got media coverage and built a multi-state litigation practice, argued in several High Courts + Supreme Court, hired juniors and set up his own chamber:  

Deepankar Kumar, an advocate from Lucknow, was practising for 4 years. He was struggling a lot financially and otherwise. Borrowed a spare phone and laptop from friends. He joined us in January 2022. 

He has earned more than 10 Lakhs in this one year after joining LawSikho and earns around INR 1 lakh per month, bought a car, has his own chamber in Lucknow and has hired 4-5 juniors. 

He has filed several public interest litigation. 

He recently visited Philippines for business development. 

Back up internships

Don’t give up on your internships, you will create disadvantages for your own backups and your interviews. If you start early, you can pursue internships with judiciary preparation. Those who take our assistance will have access to our placement team’s support and constant access to internship and job opportunities.

Here is a list of 100+ LawSikho judiciary students who have been pursuing internships alongside their judiciary preparation

Jobs in private sector: law firms and companies 

LawSikho students also learn contract drafting, which is extremely important for them to do remote freelance work or to get private sector jobs. Many of our judiciary students have secured jobs in law firms and as in-house counsels owing to this. 

Judiciary training can have that kind of effect!   

Hema Modi, LawSikho (March 2021), a 2023 BLS LLB graduate from Mumbai, secured a job as a Legal Associate at Economic Law Practice, Mumbai in January 2024.

Noyonika Mukherji, LawSikho (April 2021) graduate from Amity Law School, Delhi received a job offer from Gartner for an in-house counsel position. 

Here is a list of approx. 70 students.

If you are a judiciary student with LawSikho, you get ALL OF THESE training as well! 

Freelancing Options

Do you have a financial crunch right now? It is a great idea to learn how to perform some freelance work. There is a lot of freelance work available for data-entry, virtual assistant, writing, blogging, knowledge management, administrative work, voice-overs, etc.  

One can comfortably earn INR 10,000 per month as a student by working for a few hours every week, while studying in college and preparing for the judiciary exams. 

LawSikho supports learners with freelance projects on the side so that they can work for 2-4 hours per day and prepare for the judiciary exam rather than working for 8-10 hours and having no time to prepare.

Those who take our assistance for clearing the judiciary exam receive assistance from our team on securing paid freelance opportunities, and teach you how to perform article-writing, blogging, perform knowledge management work, etc. We will support you with that. 

Gunjeet Singh Bagga, LawSikho (May 2022), a 2022 BA LLB graduate from Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, based in Delhi started freelancing with the support of our team and has earned over USD 2K on Upwork from 4 projects. (Profile).

Of course, if you decide to work full-time, we also support you to start freelancing so that you can earn INR 1-2 lakhs per month! 

Here is a young grad who was doing that: 

Ramya Thoti, 2020 LLB Graduate from Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupathi, got a job opportunity to work with a US-based company, paying her USD 8/hr and she has to work for 40 hours per week. She was earning USD 1280 per month. Her outstanding performance led to a well-deserved promotion to the role of reporting analyst, accompanied by a salary increment. She was earning an impressive  18 Lakhs per annum. She initially got a few freelance other opportunities within 1 month of her profile creation and later got this long term job. At present she is working with 2 US based law firms remotely. 

Here is the list of 100 judiciary students who are freelancing alongside their preparation with the assistance of LawSikho. 

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