Global GDP growth
Globally, businesses are growing beyond international borders!
The age of Multinational Corporations and their stellar profit-making is here to stay!
In 2021, the total GDP of the world is predicted by the International Monetary Fund and the World Economic Forum to grow by 6%.
The GDP of various areas of the world is expected to keep growing rapidly throughout 2020-21!
This global growth is fuelled by the immense growth in volume and scale of international trade and business across the world!
High-demand for international business lawyers!
To sustain and grow internationally, companies and businesses are looking frantically for lawyers.
This is because international trade and business depends upon several key factors – of which sound cross-border legal and regulatory compliances is to be an essential one!
So, why are businesses and law firms globally frantically recruiting skilled international business lawyers?
Simply put, it is owing to this ongoing growth in global business! International trade can sustain only if certain international norms are adhered to. This includes both legal, binding norms and political non-binding norms.
The legal norms which require compliance can be classified as Hard and Soft Laws. Even non-binding norms of international trade and business containing legal relevance can be classified as Soft Laws.
What does this global growth mean for you?
As international trade and business grows, so does the requirement for skilled lawyers! Despite this high demand, the supply of aptly skilled legal professionals continues to be low.
This means that, not only are openings for jobs or freelance work increasing, you can command incredible salaries or fees from your prospective employers or clients if you have the right skill-sets!
With the required upskilling, you can tap into the exponentially increasing job opportunities as a cutting-edge international business lawyer of tomorrow.
In the future, you can get jobs like these in your favourite foreign destinations as an up and coming international business lawyer!
Wondering how to get the requisite skills to stand out and outshine your competition in the international business law jobs and practice-market?
Check out our Youtube Channel to find out different aspects, tricks and tips to shine as an International Business Lawyer.
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