Shares purchase agreement – US law compliant

Shares/Stock purchase agreement (SPA) are agreements entered when one party is interested to buy the shares of another company. 

A share represents a unit of ownership in the company and the number of shares held by the shareholder represents its stake in the company. 

Being a shareholder of a company provides your several rights under company law such as.  

What rights are available to a shareholder of a company?

  • Shareholders have a right to bring legal action against the director when any act done by him in any manner is prejudicial against the affairs of the company.
  • Shareholders also have the right to attend and vote at the annual general body meeting.
  • Shareholders also have a right to appoint the company auditors.
  • Shareholders have the right to call a general meeting. They have a right to direct the director of a company to call an extraordinary general meeting.
  • Shareholders have the right to get copies of financial statements. The company must send the financial statements of the company to all its shareholders.
  • Before the company is wound up the company has to inform all the shareholders about the same.
  • When a company is converted into another company then it requires prior approval of shareholders.
  • Right to inspect the corporate books and records of the Company.
  • All shareholders shall have the right to receive dividends.

Just like Companies Act in India, every country has its own set of commercial law which will determine the nature of rights that a shareholder would have in its respective country. 

How to help clients for foreign mergers?

So if a client comes to you informing you that he is merging with another business in the USA and wants to enter into a SPA, what will you do?

You know how to draft a SPA which is compliant to local law but do you know how to draft one which is compliant to a foreign country?

What happens when one party is from a foreign country?  

What if your client wants to acquire a whole company in the US, how will you help?

How do you learn about transfer of ownership in different types of company? like C-Corp, S Corp, LLC etc. 

During the 3-day FREE online bootcamp on How to kickstart your career as a corporate lawyer you will learn to draft a US-law compliant share purchase agreement and perform legal work for transfer of ownership in a C-Corp

Date and Time

12-14 June 2021

6-9pm Indian Standard Time


If you have already registered for this bootcamp then don’t forget to save this event in your calendar: 

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Skills you will learn during the 3 days of the bootcamp

Along with how to draft a US-law compliant share purchase agreement and perform legal work for transfer of ownership in a C-Corp you will also learn the following skills: 

  • How to draft bylaws of a Delaware C-corporation
  • How to draft a US-law compliant share purchase agreement and perform legal work for transfer of ownership in a C-Corp
  • How to draft an SAFE (simple agreement for future equity) for an early stage investment transaction 
  • How to convert an LLC or S Corp into a C-Corp or vice-versa 
  • How to perform legal work for a merger of a US corporation in one state with a company in another state 
  • How to draft a convertible note for an early stage investment transaction   


If you attend for more than 2.5hours each day you will receive the following templates in the form of PDF which will help you kickstart your career as a corporate lawyer: 

Day 1: Bylaws of a Delaware C-Corp, Checklist of actions for transfer of ownership of a US company 

Day 2: Template of a SAFE Agreement 

Day 3: 12 templates on the last day-

  1. Checklist of registrations needed to incorporate and kickstart a US company 
  2. Checklist of annual and periodic compliances for a Delaware C-Corp and S-Corp
  3. Articles of incorporation and bylaws for an S-Corporation 
  4. Articles of organisation and operating agreement for LLC 
  5. Templates for Agenda, minutes and resolutions for a US C-Corporation Board meeting
  6. Template for Stock Certificate of a California, New York and Texas C-Corp
  7. US-law compliant share purchase agreement
  8. Memorandum and Articles of Association of an Indian Company
  9. Template of agenda, minutes and resolutions for the board meeting of an Indian Company 
  10. Checklist of Registers and Annual and Periodic Compliance Requirements for an Indian Company 
  11. Convertible Note Template
  12. Templates of agenda, minutes and resolution for a US C-Corporation Board meeting 


Invite your friends, colleagues and classmates by sharing this link to the online FREE bootcamp on How to kickstart your career as a corporate lawyer from 12-14 June 2021:

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Looking forward to seeing you at the bootcamp. 

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