General counsel

Stairway to general counsel – your future 

I want to fire up your desire today. 

If you want to achieve big things in life, there are 4 things you must do: 

  1. You must desire them
  2. You must believe that you can achieve them
  3. You must get a plan
  4. You must take the necessary action (execute)

If you have a coach, achieving all of the four above becomes much easier.

Let’s start with the first one. 

Let us imagine your future 5 years down the road.

Imagine that you have been transported to the future.

And create these images in your head.

Add as many vivid details as you want.

More clearly you can see your future in your mind’s eye, more likely it will be that you are going to take the action needed to get there.

It’s a Sunday morning, you just wake up and go to your balcony. Imagine, 5 years into the future. It’s May 2029!

House in Singapore with contemporary aesthetic

It’s a very peaceful neighbourhood. You live with your small family here.

And this is where your office is. 

You are the global general counsel of a large MNC today. 

After heading Asia Pacific (APAC), you were promoted last year.  

Why Osborne Clarke Chose Singapore Over Hong Kong | International

Getting a job at an MNC like this was not easy for you.

You started working towards this goal 5 years back, exactly from this day, when you were a  struggling litigator/burnt out law firm lawyer/college student in 2024. 

You realised that there is a massive opportunity to become an in-house counsel and actually help businesses navigate the legal maze as they grow

You decided to become a generalist and learned a bunch of unique skillsets

You started reaching out to startups in India, supporting them on the side, associating as an advisor, and even helping them for free initially.

Some of them started paying you comfortable retainers as you were helping them with litigation management, creating standard-form contracts, negotiation playbooks, and compliance calendars. 

You were earning an additional 1 lakh per month on the side through this work.

You got introductions to investors as these startups grew, and you worked alongside lawyers from top law firms on deals. 

You were posting your learnings on LinkedIn and Twitter, and built a community.

In 7-8 months, headhunters started noticing your work and reached out to you for a mid-level in-house counsel that paid around 15-20 LPA. 

This was the perfect opportunity! 

It was a venture funded new-age startup in India which had recently secured to scale up massively.

They had global ambitions, and you supported them to expand to 15 countries over 3 years. 

You had to travel across the world frequently, whenever the company opened up a new subsidiary.

You briefed foreign litigators, arbitration counsels, law firms, handled difficult regulatory raids and proceedings, created negotiation playbooks and training for business teams, implemented some cutting-edge business model innovations which are the gold standard in your industry – they are even adopted by competitors now! 

The in-house legal department has a team of 20 people now. 

After 3 years, you got an opportunity from an MNC to head their Asia Pacific division from Singapore. 

When you shared the challenges you supported your employer through, they realised that they were looking for someone like you. 

Even Indian and foreign law firm partners had not done that!  

You got that job. 

This was an exhilarating journey, full of learnings, and also a great work-life balance.

You feel like you are a much better, well-rounded lawyer now. 

It’s not that your options are closed outside in-house – you can come back to India anytime and you will have a lot of clients who will send you litigation or advisory work!

Headhunters frequently reach out to you for partner-level positions in law firms! 

A lawyer who can solve client’s problems is in demand everywhere. 

You are the first person from your college who has become a global general counsel in an MNC, that too outside India!  

For now, you are experiencing what life has in store for you to the fullest!  

It took hard work, it took patience. It took years of consistent work. But you did it.

Imagine this moment. 

How will you feel about yourself? 

Could this be your future?

Do you want a foolproof plan to follow so that you can achieve this dream? 

Over 500 lawyers were able to secure in-house counsel jobs in the past 12 months by following this plan. 

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