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What will oil the engines of the next industrial revolution?

Did you ever think why my country does not have a lot of oil like some of the rich countries around the world? Then we all could have a better life.

You can rejoice now.

Availability of affordable talent at scale is the new ultimate geopolitical advantage.

It is better than having lots of oil or gold under your lands in the age of frictionless remote work.

It is not oil, not data, but this talent that will power the engines of the next industrial revolution.

Affordable talent is the new oil & India has a lot of it. In a world of remote work, India will rise and rise.

So will other countries in South Asia and Africa.

The world is changing. 

We are here at that vanguard of change.

We are making history.

Our country’s policymakers and politicians probably do not realise this yet, but they did not when the IT boom happened either, did they?

This is the next big thing.

We will not just ride this wave, we will harness this and we will drive it.

Are you excited to be a part of this?

Who amongst you can see a lifetime, once in a generation opportunity here?

Tell me something, how can our countries take full advantage of these opportunities?

We need to focus all the teaching and training capability to train people for these futuristic jobs that support the next industrial revolution.

But exactly the opposite is happening in schools and colleges.

People are spending massive amount of money, getting saddled with education loan, then they come out without any useful skills, trying to desperately find jobs in pandemic stricken local market, working for a pittance.

Nobody is telling them about global talent arbitrage.

Nobody tells the graduates what skills will help them about the massive opportunities that are emerging.

Despite all the sufferings of pandemic, have the stock markets fallen?

They have soared.

Profitability of companies have soared.

The digital and tech part of the economy is growing even faster.

Digital media is growing even faster.

Data science, automation, crypto is growing even faster.

But is there any connection between what they are teaching in college and where the opportunities are?

Is there no work for lawyers in all these burgeoning industries?

Do they not need lawyers?

Of course they do.

Would you like to learn how you can be part of the fastest growing industries as a lawyer, and how you can contribute to them?

Tomorrow, and over the next 2 days, we will teach you exactly this. Are you going to join us or are you going to miss this?

Set an alarm on your phone right now for 6-9 pm IST for all the three days – 17, 18th and 19th April. 

If you are not from India, check your local time and set the alarm accordingly.

Registration link for the Bootcamp:

If you want to be notified about other workshops and webinars conducted by LawSikho on Corporate Law, please join the Telegram or WhatsApp group below:

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See you there!

Students of Lawsikho courses regularly produce writing assignments and work on practical exercises as a part of their coursework and develop themselves in real-life practical skills.

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