Continue reading →: Complexity, risk, thrill, money
“Everybody is trying to explain the situation in their own fashion. And so much has come, that if I read all the news, then I also will get confused as to what all has happened”. That is Harshad Mehta speaking. About the stock market scam of 1992. In his interview…
Continue reading →: What has changed in the legal services market over the last 20 years? Learn about the 3 stereotypes that prevent independent practitioners from achieving maximum growth
The decision to start independent practice is a brave one. It is also filled with numerous fears and insecurities. How will I find my first client? How can I consistently generate new clients? Why will clients trust me? Is it really possible for me to compete with law firms? Can…
Continue reading →: Top 10 skills you need to become a competition lawyer
Introduction When two or three companies undergo any form of merger, acquisition or amalgamation, they are essentially joining forces in terms of monetary and physical resources. Their collaboration will definitely bring in operational and strategic efficiencies. Therefore, their collaboration needs to be tested upon the market realities of the sector…
Continue reading →: Why IP paralegal jobs are your gateway to an international IP career
Paralegal? That’s beneath my standards! I am studying law so I can be a hotshot lawyer, not a paralegal! It’s just clerical work, eh! I understand if you don’t fancy yourself being a paralegal. You want to work abroad and be like Harvey Specter from suits, not as a paper…
Continue reading →: How to achieve peak performance in judiciary exams: developing your mindset, health and habits for consistency
Are you preparing to crack the judiciary exam? Do you aspire to become a judge? Have you wondered why some people are able to study effectively for hours, weeks, months and years, retain the information and apply themselves, and therefore crack the country’s toughest competitive exams, sometimes in one-shot, while…
Continue reading →: Self-assessment: are you ready for a career in IP law?
Reading sections and case laws will not make you ready for a career in IP law. However, here are 30 skills that came on top of the list when we interviewed around 100 IP lawyers from India, asking them what are the tasks that are high margin and appear frequently…
Continue reading →: Why has intellectual property law emerged as a top career choice in 2020?
Many law students and young lawyers are fascinated by the idea of working in IP law. Many of them enjoy reading copyright law or patent law concepts and come to imagine that they will like IP law as a career. Unfortunately, practicing IP law is nothing like discussing what is…
Continue reading →: Land IP related remote US Jobs sitting in India : how talent arbitrage is changing the world
You can bag highly paid IP related US jobs on a work-from-home basis. Jobs that pay more than top Indian law firms, and there is almost no competition. Do you find that hard to believe? When I tell law students, lawyers, and other IP enthusiasts that it is possible to…
Continue reading →: Top 10 most in-demand skills for IP lawyers that will help you to build an international career
What kind of skills will you need to acquire in order to become a high-flying IP lawyer? What skills will turn you into a hot commodity in the IP job market, not only in India but anywhere in the world? IP law is complex. It is not easy to find…
Continue reading →: 3 kinds of clients with the most amount of IP work and the problems they are facing
The holy law of demand and supply, the greatest principle of capitalism, offers us the most critical insight to be happy and successful in life. It shows us where the greatest opportunities are hidden. Let me lay it down in simple words for you, without getting into technicalities. Best opportunities…