Addressing a seminar in New Delhi in February 2022, then Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana said there was a need to both increase the number of judges in India, and to fill existing vacancies urgently. Of course, he was speaking from his position as the ultimate insider, but according to our own calculations, India …
In February 2020, the Second National Judicial Pay Commission issued a revised pay proposal for all judicial officers in the lower judiciary, whereby salaries would increase to three times the existing pay scales. As per the pay commission’s report, judges in lower courts will now draw INR 80,000-1 lakh per month, while District Court judges …
In his book Actual Minds, Possible Worlds, legendary American psychologist Jerome Bruner, who became internationally known for his contributions to educational psychology, wrote that people are 22 times more likely to remember a fact when it is presented as a story. So allow me to tell you a few stories. Especially because this could be …
We are going to share the success stories of our learners who have actually migrated to Canada following their stints with us. Success stories like: Chaitali Bagai (LawSikho, March 2021), a 2021 graduate of Jyoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University Jaipur, started doing remote freelance work for international clients, earned more than USD 700 on Upwork alone, …
Why Indian HRs are facing a boom now!
The most exciting opportunities of this decade for India’s HR professionals are driven by a few well-defined factors. For some of you, these concepts may seem alien, but I will explain. What are these factors? India’s demographic dividend According to the Economic Survey 2018-19, India’s demographic dividend will peak around 2041, when its working age …
Before 2020, office meant a small cubicle or probably a large partitioned area, where you sat in front of a computer and worked. After 2020, your workspace could be literally anywhere – your living room, the corner cafe, or even perhaps your hotel room. Welcome to the remote work revolution, which has dramatically changed our …
Highlights: Total number of students who got jobs, internships, and freelance work in November were 1293. In November, 74 LawSikho learners got jobs from organizations such as Triangulas, Xpertz innovation pvt ltd, Ruia group, HSBC, 24*7nyaya, Bhoomi Builders, Pocket FM, Lexigenious, Gaba Projects Pvt Ltd, Adv. Keshav kamra & Associates, Ganguly and Associates, Lumina Datamatix, …
I’ll come straight to the point, one that we all know: India does not have enough judges. Currently, more than 4.7 crore cases are pending across different courts owing to a shortage of judges. Think about this. India has about 21 judges per 10 lakh people as on December 31, 2021, while the sanctioned strength …
I thought I’d go crazy while preparing, I forgot the difference between day and night. ~ Anupriya Sanga, Judicial Magistrate, First Class Unlike a lot of students who begin preparing for the judiciary during their law school days, Anupriya, who now holds a position as Judicial Magistrate (First Class) in a Jharkhand court, decided to …
What is the fundamental requirement to clear any competitive examination? Knowing the nature and pattern of the examination, wouldn’t you say? Because without understanding what questions will be asked and how, you can’t expect to crack the paper. But when it comes to organising examinations for the lower judiciary, almost every Indian state has its …