Continue reading →: Over a hundred new advocates will start Supreme Court practice by cracking AoR exam this year – what’s your plan?
The AoR Exam dates for 2021 were just announced, here is what you need to know: It is exactly 60 days from today. It is a 4-day long affair, with 4 exams of 3 hours each day, and will be conducted on the Supreme Court Premises, New Delhi. COVID negative…
Continue reading →: 5 important questions about Supreme Court practice, answered by Advocates-on-Record
Advocate-on-Record enables you to file and lodge new applications in the Supreme Court. If you are litigating in the trial and high courts until now and have always been wondering how it is to practice in the Supreme Court then read what these Advocate-on-Records tell you about their experience at…
Continue reading →: I want you to imagine this kind of life
You wake up in the morning. There is a cold breeze outside, and a hot cup of tea ready in the big balcony of your bedroom, which overlooks a scenic park. The winter is just beginning in Delhi. You have a long day at work but first you scroll through…
Continue reading →: How much can a district or trial court lawyer outside Delhi earn from performing Supreme Court work
No case in Supreme Court can be filed without appointing an Advocate-on-Record (AoR). The highest court of India which is the penultimate temple of justice for indignants in the country is not accessible unless you appoint an AoR. Oftentimes, AoRs don’t even appear before the bench and are generally the…
Continue reading →: Why cracking the Advocate-on-Record exam is HARD but doable now
Every litigator dreams of practicing in the highest court of India one day. However, that is easier said than done. In order to file cases at the Supreme Court, it is important to crack the Advocate-on-Record Exam (AoR Exam). The exam is not an easy one – approximately 650 candidates…
Continue reading →: Do you fancy yourself as a Supreme Court lawyer
Do the stories of how hard it is to establish a Supreme Court practice stop you from taking the first step? Are you a trial or high court lawyer who sometimes wonders what it would take for you to become a Supreme court lawyer? Are you practicing in a city…
Continue reading →: Free online 3-day bootcamp on arbitration
Are you interested in making a career in an area of law practice which has huge potential and high growth? Well, then choosing arbitration as a career option could be a blessing for you. Here are few facts about why and how arbitration represents a massive opportunity lawyers : It’s…
Continue reading →: How to prepare yourself for a career in arbitration and what are the new job opportunities
Do you want to know how to obtain opportunities in the disputes team of a large global law firm? Do you want to lead the global dispute resolution strategy as an in-house counsel of a large multinational company or a fast growing startup? Do you fancy a career in litigation,…
Continue reading →: Blockchain and arbitration?!!
Some of the exciting trends we will discuss in our Bootcamp that you don’t want to miss: 1. Blockchain applications regarding dispute resolution and how trustless systems will disrupt arbitration. 2. Exciting startups around dispute resolution around the world and how you can remotely work for them. 3. How ODR…
Continue reading →: It’s all about ‘How’ on Day 2 of our international business laws bootcamp
Did you attend the first day of our Bootcamp on International Business Laws? We revealed exactly how it can be easier to earn a dollar than to earn a rupee! The expression people used to describe the revelation was “Crazy!!” We also showed them why this is true. They were…