Continue reading →: When does a career become attractive in the long term
When does a career become attractive? When demand for a certain skill is high and supply is low. If you want to make it even better, opt for things that will continue to have high demand but very low supply in the foreseeable future due to systemic reasons. International business…
Continue reading →: 3 times I embarrassed myself before my board while doing international expansion
I began my career with a small practice of my own. In my second year of practice, I had to deal with a client who had a wholly-owned subsidiary in Singapore. Point A: I was dead scared of ending up making a mistake with this client…..because how on earth was…
Continue reading →: You can’t achieve success unless you can imagine what success looks like
In today’s session in the bootcamp, we will first help you to imagine what your journey looks like through the entire time of preparation. You cannot make sense of a long journey without milestones. You do not even know if you are going in the right direction. You need to…
Continue reading →: Why should you attend our free online bootcamp for judiciary exam prep?
After all, we are asking you to reserve 3×4 = 12 precious hours from your life. In the age of Netflix and social media, when people have an attention span that is less than that of a Goldfish (nothing to be proud of btw), how can we ask for so…
Continue reading →: UPSC v. Judiciary
Several lawyers opt for UPSC & State Public Service Commission examination every year. Law graduates have an advantage in these examinations since both the domains involve jobs that are directly impacted by the law in the country. Also, law is certainly the most important aspect of public policy. Government jobs…
Continue reading →: How many judges will India need in the next five years
India currently requires 50,066 more Judges to clear the backlog of 3.7 crores cases that lie pending in India. How did we arrive at this number? The 120th Law Commission report stated that India needs 50 judges per 1 million population to adequately meet the litigation demands of this country. …
Continue reading →: Which is the toughest judiciary exam to crack
In the last three years, five major states in India were not able to successfully fill all the judiciary seats that were advertised. For three of the five states, more than 60% of the seats lay vacant! This was despite the fact that the number of students who appeared were…
Continue reading →: What is the career trajectory of a judge in the lower judiciary
As a law student when you attend a court hearing, more often than not, you are fascinated by the power that the Judge emits. By the bang of a gavel, the court is silenced. Disrespecting the Judge can send you behind the prison. You cannot address the Judge with anything…
Continue reading →: What are the salaries and perks you are entitled to at each stage as a judge
This is a question many judiciary aspirants have. In addition to the obvious status that judges enjoy in the society in general and the legal community in particular, you must know the kind of financial benefits you are likely to get after putting in those gruelling hours of efforts. We…
Continue reading →: HR Ninjas protect companies and scale heights! Are you one of these?
In 2015, Walmart was fighting tooth and nail to save its reputation against negative PR campaigns in the US. A severe backlash from the media and civil society came when Walmart fired a blue collar worker. He was accused of stealing cans and bottles worth two dollars. The corporation was…